The 2019 vintage was vastly characterized by a series of environmental challenges, putting vineyard crews and winemakers to the test. The season started with record-breaking rainfall and flooding leading to a relatively cool spring, slightly delaying bud break with harvest time trending well into September. Hefty rain in May luckily did not cause disruption in yields since flowering had not yet begun in the majority of the vineyards. Average, stable temperatures throughout the summer lead to a friendly, steady grape development with perfect balances of acid and sugar. Come harvest, we were met with a curveball of extreme spikes in temperature and fire hazards, calling for strategic and innovative picking decisions. This historic season, accompanied by our team’s intelligent decision-making, leads to incredibly complex, dynamic wines that, much like the season, are historical.

The ancient sea-bed of San Pablo Bay is mineral-rich, clay soils that define La Cruz Vineyard. Thirty-four acres are planted to Chardonnay, in distinct blocks where clone 4, Wente and Dijon clones are planted. Typical to this vineyard is a pronounced bright acidity and signature spice notes. Our Chardonnay was harvested in the cold night and came in at 23.3° Brix. The fruit was pressed using a gentle cycle, the juice settled for 12 hours prior to racking in barrels where they went through primary and second fermentation. Our 2017 La Cruz Chardonnay is filtered but not fined. We used Nomarcoc 500, with a specific oxygen ingress rate. It is a plant-based closure with a zero-carbon footprint.

Rôtie is our Homage to Cote-Rôtie, the famous Northern Rhone AOC, famous for its traditional co-fermentation of Syrah and Viognier. Our Rôtie consists of 93% Syrah and 7% Viognier. Syrah can be a very powerful grape, tempered by the Viognier, our Rôtie is soft and elegant with gorgeous floral aromatics.