The hot, dry year had a very large diurnal temperature range (15–20ºC / 27–36ºF), favoring a perfect ripening. After a few lower-yield years, the yields returned to normal. With higher alcohols (that give a pleasing sweet sensation) and rounded tannins, the 2018 wines have fruitier, riper profiles.

Location and altitude: Vistalba (Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza). 20 km to the south of the city of Mendoza, at 1,050 meters a.s.l. Climate: 250 mm of annual precipitation. Large diurnal temperature range, low humidity, long daylight hours. Soil: Alluvial derived from the water erosion from the Andes Mountains. Loamy sand in texture, deep with stones at 1 meter deep. Loose, very permeable structure. Style of wines: Complex and deep, with sweet tannins.

Hand-harvested during March and April. Manual selection of the grapes upon arrival at the winery. Pre-fermentation maceration for 7 days at 10ºC (50ºF) in the tank. Alcoholic fermentation lasted 7 days at 26ºC (79ºF) in concrete tanks with selected and natural yeasts. Post-fermentation maceration for 20 days. Spontaneous malolactic fermentation in concrete tanks. Aging in French barrels (1/3 new, 1/3 second use, 1/3 third use) for 12 months, then 6 months in bottle prior to its launch on the market.