Why Yarrow Merlot?

Wildflowers have always been a symbol of beauty and possibility at Bell Mountain but never more so than after the 2019 Kincade Fire. When Chris (Medlock) and his wife Bradley walked Bell Mountain Ranch, they were surrounded by devastation as the untouched forest had been badly burned. Bradley entered into her journal that day: “the top of the mountain was destroyed but no one told the wildflowers”. We named our Merlot after this beautiful reminder of nature’s resilience.

2019 offered nearly ideal growing conditions. A warm spring with some later rainfall set us up for good early season growth, which was followed by a moderately warm summer that lasted well into October without any severe temperatures or untimely rainfall. These conditions allowed for a classic vintage.

The 2019 Yarrow Merlot is a bounty of herbal spice, rosemary, and dried fennel aromas. The palate is balanced with juicy acidity and upfront tannins that softly linger throughout the mouth. Acai berry, black plum, ripe blueberry, and chocolate-covered raspberries complement the bold but silky cocoa and coffee finish. The smooth tannins will continue to evolve over time making this a Merlot to drink through the years.